Currently, Yaba Sanshiro 2 crashes when you run it on Android 5.0, 5.1 and 6.0 , Because these device does not support Vulkan. To support less than Android 7.0 devices again, we are going to release it in a trickly way.

  1. Release "1.4.4novulkan" with minimum api level 21(Android 5.0) without Vulkan support.

    • Less than Android 7.0 devices can play with the OpenGL renderer.
    • Android 7.0 and above devices can play with the OpenGL renderer but not the Vulkan renderer.
  2. Release "1.4.5" with minimum api level 24(Android 7.0) with Vulkan support

    • Less than Android 7.0 devices can play with the OpenGL renderer. but it will not be updated anymore.
    • Android 7.0 and above devices can play with the OpenGL renderer and Vulkan renderer.

Today I will release "1.4.4novulkan" then release "1.4.5", It needs about 2 days to migrate to "1.4.5". Note that Android 7.0 and above devices can not use Vulkan meanwhile.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

posted by: devMiyax
