Played on a Ayn Odin Base with the english patch for the first two worlds. With Both Frame Skip and Performance Mode turned on, performance is great. The only issues I've encountered so far: *In-game fog is a bit messed up. Very minor in the end, but results in more pop-in than on native hardware. * When pausing the game, and then going into the Yaba Sanshiro 2 graphics settings, the character models and ui are completely gone when heading back in game. This is easily fixed by un-pausing, however. * Like other Saturn games I've tried, the audio for music and character dialogue can stutter a bit every now and then. * In the Load/Save screen, the Internal Memory/Cartridge portraits (as showcased by the attached screenshot) lack their silhouette, making it hard see where you want to save/load progress. Outside from that, the game plays, looks, and performs very well.