The game crashes at the FMV that introduces the south shrine Boss.
mapping of the moga HID pro controller is still buggy. Games become unplayable due to the dpad once pressed in game to the right will then infinitely proceed to repeat that function in the menue section of Castlevania SOTN and once game play starts will leave the character chosen in a permanent crouch position unable to jump but can walk left, right, and fire/use weapon. When mapping the dpad after pressing the first indicated dpad direction it will then skip the down press for mapping. For using just the on screen mapped buttons everything as for the game Castlevania SOTN works just fine. Amazing work on this emulator! 5 stars if u don't use a Moga pro game pad at this time. Once again amazing work on this emulator. 4.9 stars is more accurate I feel between a 1 to 5 scale at this time.
it works almost flawlessly. however the save state feature does not work. when I tried to reload after shutting the app down it came up a blank screen. keep up the awesome work man, this emulator is very important to the gaming community:)